Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Relationship between Sales and Marketing

Effective marketing should lead to qualified sales leads.

Now, closing the sale is never easy. But here is an article I wrote giving some sales tips that are worth remembering.

Easy Sales Tips

Marketing is about building relationships through media such as web sites, brochures, postcards, but also face-to-face.

Sales is much more interpersonal and it requires the salesperson to ask for the sale.

When I sold roofing for the Home Depot during a brief stint, I enjoyed many parts of the position. But it was a matter of putting together all the pieces and keeping the presentation sharp.

I had sales successes like showing up, asking the right assessment questions, showing the benefits in a presentation, asking for the order several times and closing on the first call for an order ranging from $ 15,000 to more than $ 20,000.

However, I also had sales calls where it seemed like everything was going well and no matter how I asked for the order, I couldn't get the customer to sign.

But sales, like marketing, also requires perseverance and a constant review of the basics.

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