Friday, June 20, 2008

What is Marketing?

You need to market your business. Understood.

What is marketing?

Answer that question and then you can find the right marketing tips and ideas for free to assist in your marketing strategy. Here's another perspective on marketing, too.

How “marketing” is defined and the methods chosen are unique to a company and the related goals and objectives. For professionals, marketing can be unique to the personality and related ambitions such as writing and public speaking. In large corporations, marketing needs can differ greatly from one department to another.

Let’s get started:

What do you want marketing to do for your company?

Possible answers:

  • Make your business or product known

  • Generate leads and sales

  • Let your referrals know you have a new product or service line

  • Build credibility

  • Rally stakeholders around change

  • Rally employees around change

  • Create a passionate message

  • Answering this question and determining the marketing tools you want to use will you develop a budget. This, in turn, will determine how much money is spent to produce a favorable return on investment.

    Why is a marketing strategy so important? There are activities and programs you can get involved in right now that may produce quick results. But who are you reaching? Even small businesses have multiple audiences they can reach.

    An effective consultant can highlight the strengths and limits of available options and bring together necessary resources.

    While marketing requires testing and experimenting, it should be done with strategies that match core values and long-term objectives. This will prevent a hit-and-miss approach.

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