Monday, September 14, 2009

Marketing lesson in creating buzz

A marketing lesson in creating buzz is Spa Week. I discovered this as I was researching articles for my page at

The marketing and promotional event happens two times per year at more than 700 spa locations around the country. The purpose is to make spa visits affordable and introduce new spa-goers to the services of spas in their city and community.

Services that may normally cost in the hundreds of dollars are offered for as little as $ 50 for a visit.

Users have to go online to sign up at

The week is in its 11th season and it helps drive traffic to local spas and provides promotional contests as well for web visitors.

For more information log on to this article about Spa Week.

Spas also gain potential media exposure at both a local and national level.

A lesson to take from this is creating a special event or week for your business or related businesses in your city.

Remember: consistency is required for marketing success and is needed to generate marketing buzz.

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