Thursday, January 8, 2009

PR Success for Any Business: Article Marketing

The ability to quickly publish articles on your business across the Internet is a strategic Public Relations move for any size business. Here are compelling reasons to use article marketing in your business, according to Right Touch Marketing & Media:

1 Speak directly to the target client and show how you meet their needs

2 Speak directly to the need of a potential customer by showing the benefits your company offers

3 Sharing knowledge – article marketing gives a chance to showcase your knowledge and track record

4 Cost effective: the cost of articles is in the initial writing. A skilled writercan write several articles efficiently. Once articles are written they have alife of several months, thus stretching the marketing dollars.

5 Can replace or supplement traditional public relations efforts.Building relationships with the media takes time. Press releases are often not published or published once and then forgotten.

6 Use online articles as printed fact sheets.These can easily be distributed to customers or handed out at networking events.

7 Improve web site visibility. Articles submitted to leading web sites and directories can contain links to a corporate web site.

8 Establishes credibility for a company or for an individual service provider

9 Establishes a personality, too, allowing potential customers to get to know the point person. This establishes a "personal brand" for a corporate salesperson or individual professional such as an attorney or real estate agent.

10 Effective to use in an integrated media campaign. Online articles can be easily emailed or referred to in a direct mailing.

Don Simkovich of Right Touch Marketing & Media, ph: 818-667-1789, offers writing articles as a cost-effective solution to meet the marketing needs for any business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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