Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3 Reasons to Write a Book and Market Your Professional Services

I'm writing a book for a client who does management consulting and training and he's going to use the book as a calling card to show his expertise to the decision-makers at companies he approaches.
The book will be available in print and e-book format.
Benefits of writing a book to market your professional services are many:
Unique Qualities
You demonstrate your unique qualities and that's important in a crowded marketplace like Los Angeles. Just think how many management consultants exist in Los Angeles County and Orange County and the Inland Empire.
The consultant I'm working with wants a 110-page to 120-page book. Yours doesn't have to be that long.
Real estate agents can write up books that are 10 to 20 pages long to list what they know, why they love real estate, and demonstrate their knowledge of a local market.
Books are great ways to tell your company's story. Remember the adage "Facts tell and stories sell." Books let you package your informational knowledge and reach the audience with an emotional punch to demonstrate how you uniquely solved a problem.
Stories draw in the reader and if you're trying to teach principles or raise the prospect of changing a culture.
Lasting Message
Well-written books have a lasting message and show why you're passionate about your industry.
Books are also likely to get passed around and they should be written with your contact information to aid in word-of-mouth marketing.
You can also sell books and recoup some marketing costs or even produce another stream of income.

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