Monday, July 15, 2013

Marketing Services using a Professional Biography

A well-written professional biography is a marketing tool that conveys credibility. A consultant and service provider can benefit tremendously from a professional biography that shows accomplishments and reveals their personal traits.
I wrote a biography for a woman is a former executive with a Fortune 100 corporation. She is offering voluntary employee benefits through an established company local to greater Glendale and Pasadena, California.
Here is how I wrote the copy:
A one-hour interview and took notes, jotting down personal details like how she developed her interest in company benefits during childhood and when in high school she decided on it as a career path.
Reviewed her resume and LinkedIn profile and noted what was similar to the personal interview and what was missing.
Integrated passionate information with factual information at the beginning to hook and inform the reader.
I wrote the biography combining narrative and bullet points so the reader can skim, wrote a letter she could send out and wrote the info for an improved LinkedIn summary that would be more likely to show up in search results.
A well-written bio will give the reader a sense of professional ability and clue them in on personal traits and passion.

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