Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Your Knowledge Makes You Stand Out #marketingforprofessionals

Corporate trainers, lawyers, business consultants, chiropractors and other similar professionals have the knowledge to market themselves with story-driven content and factual narrative.
I wrote a booklet for a corporate trainer based on a book his organization was previously using for individuals.
Partial copy used in a booklet for a consultant
Here's what I did to write the copy and position the content of the book so it had a Business-to-Business (B2B) appeal:
#1 Interviewed the client as I always do and picked out several principles from the book
#2 We chose 4 principles to use as illustrations
#3 I created a format of a Header, Sub-head, Body Copy Illustration, and a concluding Direct Application
The sub-head to the concluding application was about 500 to 600 words in length.
#4 I wrote an intro and made a concluding statement to fit with the consultant's business goals and objectives.
The booklet will be a valuable tool for him and other trainers in his organization to leave with his target client.
You've gained tremendous knowledge in your profession. A booklet, interview, or online article can leverage your time and effort in presenting your skills to potential clients and show how you solve problems.
The material generated for a booklet can be rewritten for social media posts and e-newsletters.
October Special -- I'll write your copy with a 1-day rate of $ 225.
As a way to get to know me, my copywriting skills, and my ability to look at the Big Picture needs of your company I'll give you up to 8 hours of my time and write your copy for $ 225. 
I normally charge $ 350 for a day rate.
This includes: 
a 1-hour interview
limited industry research
a variety of written content to boost your business (blog posts, website copy, social media posts, social media profile like LinkedIn, professional bio, press release, online articles, sales letters).

My site: http://contentandcopywriting.weebly.com/
Email: dsimkovich@gmail.com
Phone: 818-667-1789