Direct mail showed up in the mailbox again today. It's the second direct mail piece I've received from the search engine company called Google.
The first direct mail piece I received from Google was in late January in the form of a greeting card as a marketing piece. The marketing copy was geared to Valentine's Day. It read "nothing says I love you like free traffic to a web site."
There was a promotional card and code to use Google Adwords free of charge.
I didn't use it then.
Now, I've received a second direct mail piece from Google in the form of a sales letters folded in three parts. In the upper right hand corner in bold blue is "Thanks for using AdSense on your site. Here's $100 from Google to help promote it."
As an Adsense publisher, they were again using direct mail to promote the use of Adwords and a trial offer.
Note a few things about this direct mail offer from Google:
#1 Direct mail is still alive -- otherwise, Google wouldn't be using it.
#2 Sales letters are still effective -- otherwise, Google wouldn't write them.
#3 Marketing requires multiple contacts with customers.
#4 Direct mail and print marketing can be integrated with online marketing.
#5 Coupons and trial offers still work to get customers to try a product or service.