Direct mail showed up in the mailbox again today. It's the second direct mail piece I've received from the search engine company called Google.
The first direct mail piece I received from Google was in late January in the form of a greeting card as a marketing piece. The marketing copy was geared to Valentine's Day. It read "nothing says I love you like free traffic to a web site."
There was a promotional card and code to use Google Adwords free of charge.
I didn't use it then.
Now, I've received a second direct mail piece from Google in the form of a sales letters folded in three parts. In the upper right hand corner in bold blue is "Thanks for using AdSense on your site. Here's $100 from Google to help promote it."
As an Adsense publisher, they were again using direct mail to promote the use of Adwords and a trial offer.
Note a few things about this direct mail offer from Google:
#1 Direct mail is still alive -- otherwise, Google wouldn't be using it.
#2 Sales letters are still effective -- otherwise, Google wouldn't write them.
#3 Marketing requires multiple contacts with customers.
#4 Direct mail and print marketing can be integrated with online marketing.
#5 Coupons and trial offers still work to get customers to try a product or service.
Content Marketing, Marketing and Writing, Article Marketing, Lead Generation
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Yelp for Local Business
Is your business using Yelp?
According to the site, over 31 million visitors went to Yelp in March 2010. Yelp allows consumes to quickly share the experiences they've had with local businesses and post the comments online.
Found this on the American Express open forum about Yelp for Business.
According to the site, over 31 million visitors went to Yelp in March 2010. Yelp allows consumes to quickly share the experiences they've had with local businesses and post the comments online.
Found this on the American Express open forum about Yelp for Business.
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